Beyond the Shame Part 3

Mar 22, 2023    Pastor Chantry Dean

The adversary is the accuser of the brethren and a slanderer. It is the accusation of the enemy that causes us to question who we are in God and is the beginning of shame. It is that voice that causes us to doubt our worth and value. If we are guilty of sin, that guilt brings us to repentance. Shame is a paralyzing force and brings separation from God. The enemy desires us to be bound by shame even though God has already forgiven us our sins. When we give into the voice of shame, we open ourselves to the attack of the enemy. We must free ourselves from the intoxicating lies of the accuser. We must put to death the former man to be made new in Christ through the renewing of our minds. Like Lazarus, we must be loosed from the grave clothes and put aside the shame.